
Showing posts from April, 2024

Growth of Data

  The fascinating phenomenon of growth of data driven by our increasingly interconnected world has some important aspects like data explosion, factors fuelling data growth or storage capacity. For example, in 2020, this data volume reached an impressive 64.2 zettabytes and in the next five years global data creation is projected to soar to more than 180 zettabytes. We have to mention that other factor like covid19 accelerate data growth process too due to increased remote work, online learning and home entertainment options. In summary, our digital universe is expanding at an astonish pace, an managing this data deluge remains a critical challenge for enterprise and individuals alike.

Historical Development of Big Data

  The technology is getting updates very quickly, and Big Data is a big journey trough several decades so we can mention some key moments in the history of big data evolution starting with the first event in 1944 where Fremont Rider speculated that by 2040, the yale library would house approximately 200,000,000 volumes, spanning over 6,000 miles of shelves. So this prediction was known as the “Information Explosion”, highlighted the growing volume of data. After this event the concept of storing and analysing vast amount of data began to take shape, however, it was not until several decades later that the term “BIG DATA” gained popularity and significance. After 1960s main frame computer emerged offering solutions for data storage process and then the 1980s saw a significant leap forward with the advent of relational database which provided a better solution for managing data. The 1990s marked a revolutionary shift with the rise of internet and the proliferation of digital technolo